An Interview featuring Dr. Gary E. Alhadef as Dental Expert on Bizymoms Dallas

Dr.Gary E. Alhadef is a dentist and who has answered some of the common questions that Bizymoms visitors have about invisalign.

Q. What is an invisalign?

A. Invisalign is often called “invisible braces.” By wearing a series of clear plastic aligners we can quickly straighten your teeth without wearing unsightly metal bands and brackets.

Q. How does Invisalign work?

A. The Invisalign treatment plan is custom designed by Dr. Alhadef and the Invisalign team. Each aligner worn is progressively straighter until all the teeth are aligned- this is done quickly and efficiently, often faster than traditional braces.

Q. What are the primary benefits of Invisalign?

A. No metal bands, brackets and wires. You can barely notice the aligners when they are in so they are very esthetic. Taking them out to eat and brushing and flossing makes them very hygiene-friendly.

Q. How long does the Invisalign treatment take?

A. Average treatment time varies per case, typically 4-18 months.

Q. How much does Invisalign cost?

A. Cost varies depending on complexity but typically less than traditional braces

Q. Who uses Invisalign?

A. Age varies from the teens to the elderly.Typically, anyone 12 and older can do it!

Q. Are there certain dental conditions that automatically exclude someone from being an eligible patient?

A. Very rare to not be eligible for Invisalign- as long as you wear the aligners as recommended they work!

Q. How can we contact Dr. Alhadef if we have further questions?

A. I can be reached by email at: or through my websites: or

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